c/ Balmes 173, 3º 2ª, 08006 - Barcelona (España) (+34) 932 098 090 dom@domenech-advocats.com       Suscríbete


Comercial Law

As specialists in Commercial Law, we act in all vicissitudes of the company from the date of its constitution until its extinction. We intervene in COMPANY TRANSACTIONS preparando preparing and verifying all the necessary documentation (notarized documents, management reports, audit reports, drawing up of acts and certificates, among others) to carry out all kinds of company transactions such as the appointment of the Management Body, changes of registered offices, buying and selling of shares and participations, capital increase and reduction, and amendments of Articles of Incorporation, mergers and takeovers, excisions, and attendance at Board Meetings.

COMMERCIAL CONTRACTS. OfrecemosWe provide our clients with legal solutions for the juridical life of the company and cover for all legal business linked to their interests, defending them both in negotiations and litigation in the courts.

BANKRUPTCY LAWS. Asesoramos en situaciones de pre concurso y acompañamos a nuestros clientes para una correcta liquidación y disolución de la sociedad. We advise clients in cases prior to insolvency and accompany them to ensure a correct settlement and dissolution of the company.


The Restructuring of Companies

In a context of economic crisis, the restructuration of companies provides a key avenue for solving the situation and guaranteeing the survival of the company, avoiding bankruptcy or an arrangement with creditors, although more than one company has been restructured after being threatened by an arrangement with creditors.

NEGOTIATIONS WITH CREDITORS. Aportamos las soluciones necesarias con la finalidad de mantener la actividad productiva y la viabilidad de la empresa. We find the solutions needed to maintain productive activity and ensure firm viability.

REDUNDUNCY SCHEMES. Asesoramos en todas aquellas modificaciones estructurales y organizativas que permitan flexibilizar la estructura y minimizar los recursos humanos. We advise clients with regard to all those structural and organizational modifications which allow a more flexible structure and minimize human resources.

TRANSFORMATION of companies, MERGERS and SPIN OFFS of companies, destacaríamos entre muchos el traslado del domicilio, la intervención en todos los contratos inherentes a la actividad con la máxima eficiencia. We would highlight among others the transfer of the registered office, the intervention of all contracts inherent to the business as efficiently as possible.


Labour Law

We mediate in all DISPUTES que puedan surgir en el ámbito de las relaciones laborales tanto de forma extrajudicial y judicial; intervenimos en sanciones, despidos disciplinarios, despidos objetivos, extinción de contrato, movilidad geográfica, movilidad funcional, modificación sustancial de las condiciones de trabajo. arising in the field of industrial relations both on an extrajudicial and on a judicial basis; we intervene in penalties, punitive dismissals, objective dismissals, termination of employment contracts, geographic mobility, functional mobility, and substantial changes in working conditions.

REDUNDUNCY SCHEMES. Realizamos todos los actos administrativos relativos al proceso incluyendo las reuniones con los representantes de los trabajadores, la tramitación correspondiente ante la Administración de la Generalitat e Inspección de Trabajo. We  carry out all the administrative actions relating to the process including meetings with employee representatives, and the administrative proceedings with the Generalitat Administration and Labour Inspection.

UNION ELECTIONS. We participate in the process of constituting the electoral board, in the meetings with union representatives and the validation procedure with the Administration.

OUTSOURCING IN HUMAN RESOURCES. Somos asesores en contratación laboral de acuerdo con las necesidades de nuestros clientes, confeccionamos la documentación laboral y su registro en los distintos Organismos Oficiales, tales como contratos de trabajo, partes de alta, baja y variación de datos en Seguridad Social. Confección de nóminas y seguros sociales, certificados de empresa,  certificado de retenciones, asistencia a inspecciones de Trabajo, asistencia a conciliaciones, realización de recursos ante la inspección de trabajo, entre otros. We are consultants in job recruitment proedures with our clients needs, drawing up labour documentation and registering them with official bodies, such as work contracts, registration, deregistration or the amendment of details with the Social Security Service. Preparation of payslips and social security contributions, company certificates, deduction certificates. Labour inspection assistance, assistance in conciliations and resource tasking with Labour Inspection, among others.

IMMIGRATION FORMALITIES. Tramitamos personalmente junto con el interesado toda la documentación necesaria para la obtención de NIES y Permisos de Trabajo de ciudadanos extranjeros. We process all the necesary documents personally with the person concerned in order to obtain Foreigners’ Identity Cards (NIE) and work permits for foreigners.


Sale and Purchase of Companies

SALE AND PURCHASE OF COMPANIES. We intervene in the processes of the sale and purchase of companies. We carry out all actions relating to the process and, specifically, the due diligence process, as it is one of the most important actions in the process to obtain in depth information with regard to the situation of the object of the sale or purchase as accurately as possible, as the obtained result is fundamental at the time of negotiating and fixing the terms of the contract.



We believe in mediation as a solution to avoid conflicts between the parties inherent to legal proceedings and thereby maintain the contractual relationship, either a professional or family one, moving beyond conflict. Mediation allows one to solve the dispute by means of creative solutions which cannot be achieved in a lawsuit.


Ayudamos a las partes involucradas a negociar desde la colaboración, voluntariedad, flexibilidad, participación y avenencia para alcanzar una resolución satisfactoria con la ayuda de nuestro asesoramiento. We help the parties involved to negotiate by means of collaboration, voluntariness, flexibility, participation and agreement to achieve a satisfactory resolution with our guidance and assistance.


Civil and Family Law

We resolve all kinds of disputes, amicable and contentious, resulting from the relationships between individual or legal persons in their legal relationships with others.

DIVORCE and LEGAL SEPARATION PROCEEDINGS. We act and advise our clients both in mutual agreement and contentious proceedings.

UNMARRIED PARTNERS. We advise our clients of their rights deriving from their relationship.

INHERITANCE LAW. As family lawyers, we advise our clients with regard to the drawing up of wills, and act in the declaration of heirs, the distribution of estate, trusts, trust management and inheritance disputes.

INCAPACITATION. We act in judicial processes of incapacitation.

DEBTS, EVICTIONS and REAL PROPERTY RIGHTS. We advise our clients in all policy areas that they require as individuals: with regard to obligations and contracts, timetable proceedings, debt claims, evictions and real property rights.


Civil Responsability

We uphold our clients’ interests and inform them of their rights deriving from third party liability.

ROAD ACCIDENTS. We intervene in claims deriving from road accidents trying to achieve the best compensation.

PROFESSIONAL NEGLIGENCE and ACCIDENTS AT WORK. We advise our clients in cases of malpractice and in all circumstances that may lead to the person’s right to be compensated. We act in the process at an early stage and also before the courts in civil, criminal and administrative proceedings.

FLAWS and BUILDING DEFECTS. We advise our clients and intervene in claims for damages to family homes or owner associations caused by water, fire or all kinds of accidents which might occur to family homes or buildings.

SOUND POLLUTION. We offer our advice to those affected by excessive noise which affects the physical or mental integrity of people, both before the administration and before the law courts.

FAULTY PRODUCTS. We claim for damages deriving from faulty products or defective services which, at the time of their use or consumption, fail to meet the specifications and carry out their function and fail to provide the security which we could legitimately expect from them irrespective of the nature of the defect.


Economic Criminal Law

ECONOMIC CRIMINAL LAW. We defend and protect the interests of our clients, companies, executives, representatives and employees in any criminal action, and in particular, against fraud, insolvency, falsehood in accountancy or commercial documents, corporate offences, crimes against safety at work and offences against workers’ rights among others. We act as consultants to our clients against claims which might derive into an offence before the Tax Inspection Department.

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